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experienced southfield, michigan disability and social security attorney
The Social Security Counseling Center is pleased announce our Fall seminars taking place on September 19, 2019 & September 25, 2019
This Fall, Attorney Clifford Weisberg will be providing an intensive training on Social Security Disability and SSI. The Basics course will be on September 19, 2019 and the Advanced course will be six (6) days later on September 25, 2019.
Please note, we will be requiring that you have attended a basic course in the past in order to register for the Advanced course.
Registration will open on July 1, 2019 and end on September 1, 2019. Please don’t delay your registration, as space will be limited.
We are very excited to offer this training and look forward to seeing you this Fall.

Clifford L. Weisberg
Marilyn Weisberg
Ann M. Kaniowski
Christina M. Cotton
Please click here to download our Spring 2019 Newsletter.
Please click here to download our new and updated Adult Pamphlet.
Please contact our Counseling Center to request our new and updated Adult Pamphlet.
Classes Coming Up
BASICS: September 19, 2019
4000 Town Center
Suite 5 – Conference Room
Southfield, MI 48075
ADVANCED: September 25, 2019
8:30 AM – 9 am (Sign in & Continental Breakfast)
9 am – 12 noon (Seminar)
12 pm (Sign out & Certificate Distribution)